The Quirky Ladies is a group of eclectic (and dare I say quirky?) ladies who are passionate about writing romantic fiction. All types of romantic fiction...paranormal, fantasy, historical, erotic and contemporary. Bring it on!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Quirky End of Summer Update

Hello everyone! Time for a Quirky Update....

Michelle Picard is launching a blog tour to promote Surviving Eden starting later in September so is busy typing the interviews and blog snippets to shout out her release news.

Dalton Diaz is hard at work on her second book for the Cougar Challenge series for Ellora's Cave. Once that is done, it's on to another collaboration with Samantha Cayto for the long-awaited sequel to Illegal Moves, and at the same time another collaboration with the one and only Ashlyn Chase.

In between, Dalton will try to find the time to eat and sleep!

Tara Truesdale has been busy brainstorming her crazy idea for a sci-fi/fantasy series focused on an ancient prophecy about a chosen one destined to save the world while working on a homespun, World War II women’s fiction family saga. Yes, it’s true – writers are one gene away from schizophrenia. Tara has also been busy on NEC RWA activities since taking over as president in July. Go NEC RWA!!! With summer nearly over, she is looking forward to getting her butt in her writing chair on a regular basis for the rest of 2010!!!

Victoria was thrilled to recently finish her current WIP, a single title historical set during the Crimean War. Woo hoo! Nothing is more rewarding or exciting than typing those last sentences or THE END. Definitely martini-celebratory worthy. Finishing that project, she is enjoying a brief hiatus from writing (being a lazy bum before the crazy school year starts). During her bum status, she is mulling over the idea of dragging an old contemporary novel out from under her bed to revamp it. The story and characters are still old favorites, and time away from a work often brings new insight as to why it was shoved under the bed in the first place or ideas about how it can be fixed. (I think/hope). We shall see come September. Otherwise, I'll sit down and start typing something new. Maybe I'll even try plotting one this time..... Nah, not gonna happen.

Michelle Polaris is hard at work at a novella tentatively called Fettered Love. She has one big scene left to write. If all goes well, it may be part of a new Ellora's Cave series launching this Fall.

Samantha is just putting the finishing touches on Destiny, Patrick & Brandon's story and hopes to have it off to her editor in the next month or so. Then she's going to dig into some edits on the Hockey Trilogy so that those, too, can be shipped off. Then, she won't even know what to do with herself, since these projects have been looming for a good long time! Nothing like being at loose ends to get the creative juices flowing.

Finally, my own update (Penny Watson): My editor at Wild Rose Press loved Sweet Magik, and we are commencing edits. I am also excited to start my botanical paranormal story called L'Araldo di Primavera...should be sexy, short and sweet.

Hope all of you had a wonderful summer!
Penny and all the Quirks

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